
The Shed's fundraising effort ensures that there are adequate funds to support all of the activities and enables the facilities to be maintained at the standard required for workplace health and safety.
The fundraising efforts of current membership determine the future of our organisation and our ability to reach the community of men in the Samford region for many years to come.

The majority of funding is sourced through memberships fees, council and government grants, donations from local business and individuals, Containers for Change, Bunnings Sausage Sizzles, sale of handcrafted items, manufacture and restoration of furniture.

If you would like to make a donation to the Samford Area Men's Shed organisation, your gift would be most gratefully accepted. Please contact a committee member or email

Drakes Supermarket Rewards

The Samford Area Mens Shed would like to acknowledge the support of Drakes Supermarkets Queensland Community Dollars program.

A unique Drakes Bar Code for SAMS is provided to each member or family members who would like to participate.
They simply scan the barcode after each purchase and the rewards accumulate throughout the year. 
This culminates with a donation of 1% in the form of a voucher for the Samford Men's Shed Area's use. 

Our goal in 2023 is to reach a $500 annual donation which requires $1000 per week to be scanned. Can you help?
If you are a member and don't have a Bar code tag for yourself or your partner please ask next time you are at the Shed.  
Drakes  Primary  Horizontal  Logo

Containers for Change

All members and the wider community are invited to help the environment by recycling and contribute to the SAMS Containers for Change fundraising project.

Receptacles for the cans and bottles are located at the rear of the Shed. 

Special thanks to Digby Shaw for coordinating the collection.

Containers for change

Bunnings BBQ

Volunteering at the BBQ at Bunnings Keperra is a lot of fun and the money raised supports the various Shed activities. Over the years we have developed a good relationship with Bunnings and we look forward to it continuing. A big thanks goes out to all members who help out on the two or three days which are scheduled each year and especially to our hardworking past co-ordinator John Dears and our new co-ordinator Bruce Whittle who makes each event run smoothly.

Bunnings Feb 20

(Garry, Peter, John and Dearsy)

Platinum Sponsor
Moreton Bay Regional Council
Gold Sponsors
Klepper Pty. Ltd.
Bendigo Bank
Silver Sponsors
Ms. Nikki Boyd MPMs. Nikki Boyd MP

Ms Nikki Boyd, the Member for Pine Rivers, has made a substantial donation to SAMS which will go towards meeting our annual insurance costs

Phone (07) 3448 3100