September - Visit to the Dick Johnson Museum and Workshop !!
This event was eagerly sought out by car loving members and was oversubscribed very quickly. This member missed out - Maybe next time fellas!!
October - NBN Arrives at SAMS
Long hindered by an out-dated Internet connection, SAMS has now entered the mainstream with a fast NBN service. Thanks to al the members involved - It's been a great boost to shed services
October - The Concert Group Attends Wicked
Members of the Shed are enthusiastic concert goers, and groups to attend events are regularly arranged - In October it was Wicked which drew us in - There will be many more in 2025 !!
December - The Tower of Power !!
After months of planning, preparation and construction, the commissioning of ‘Slim’, the
new central dust extraction system and the disposal of the old units was finally accomplished. This improvement has
resulted in a huge decluttering of the Woodies workshop. Thanks to all members of the project team for their tenacity in getting this over the line.
Interest Group Happenings!
The Woodies 
September saw the arrival of our new Vicmarc 150 lathe - a small but modern lather which complements its neighbouring bigger brothers and will add to the capacity of the enthusiastic wood turning group
The Steelies 
Computer aided plasma cutting came to the Shed in October utilising a Unimig Viper 30 to the great delight of many Steelies who were soon busily producing all manner of Xmas decorations and other items to be offered for sale at fairs etc for Shed fund raising.
SAMS Shutterbugs

It was business as usual for the Photographic group – aka: The Shutterbugs, who meet every Monday at 9am to
talk and share everything photographic. They don’t always
meet at the SAMS Shed – sometimes they go out into the
big wide world to take photographs of
anything and everything moving or standing still. Of course, you don’t
need a camera to come along to gather with The Shutterbugs! Any
photographic device will do. Yes, especially a
mobile phone. The picture taking
ability of most mobile phones is phenomenal!
The Art Group 
The Art Group has been quietly beavering away over the past year, producing many notable works for private pleasure.
Capably led by the Art Group Coordinator Terry Caldwell, the SAMS Art Group has grown steadily more experienced and skilful
Our plan for 2025 is to provide a modern electronic display shared by both the Art Group and Shutterbugs which will allow their creative work to be shared among all SAMS members and visitors.
Roll on 2025!!