
Facilitator: Gary Podger

New members are always welcome. All it takes is an email or a phone call to our facilitator who will be happy to tell you more.
Contact details: samswoodies@gmail.com

About the Woodies

If you are interested in knowing more about the woodworking group, the Woodies, simply click on the link below. 

-click here to learn more about the Woodies-


Robert Taylors Wood Projects

Here are some of Robert Taylor's recent projects. The red cedar coffee table and camphor laurel occassional table were made with the assistance of John Dutton while the 1930's table was restored with the assistance of Les and Ken.

Robert Taylor ( 3)          Robert Taylor ( 2)   
Robert Taylor ( 1)


Gary Fielding's Latest Effort

Gary Fielding recently built this service station for his grandson. I think you will agree that it is a top effort and will give much pleasure for many years to come. Now if we could only fill up our vehicles at those prices we would all be as happy as his grandson 😁

Toy Photo

Hand Carved Signs

The very talented Chris Coates has been at it again creating a very impressive sign. This hand carved sign was in response to an enquiry received at the Samford Show. It is carved from a piece of Silky Oak. The benefit of hand carving, rather than routing from stencils, is to enable the replication of any chosen font. Members interested in learning more about this technique should speak with Chris at the shed on Thursday.

IMG 019 0a


Kumbartcho Native Plant Nursery

Kumbartcho is a native plant nursery at Eatons Hill and recently supplied SAMS with a number of plants to help expand the garden works around the shed.  Among other attractions on site, Kumbartcho has recently transformed an area into a Fairytale Garden, a labour of love by some of its volunteers to involve and interest children, including the school groups that visit.  Some signage was being sought to identify the trails to the Fairytale Garden.  Penny Mack, Woz's wife, is a volunteer at Kumbartcho and she agreed to make a mosaic sign, but another was needed and Woz's help was sought.

Apr 16 04

More Signs Created by the Woodies

Woody Chris Coates sent in these shots with the accompanying description:

A couple of photo’s attached of a hand carved silky oak sign board. I did this, through Woodies, for a lady who will be giving it to her brother for a Christmas present.




RSL Sign

Jim Loth and Keith have been busy making this sign. Well done Jim

and Keith.



Products for the Firies

These photos are of some of the Camphor Laurel we recovered from

Lacey's Creek earlier in the year. From there they were slabbed at Guy's

place and have now found a home at the Closeburn Rural Firies new shed which

was officially opened last Saturday. Gentlemen take a bow we should all be

very proud of the end product.

image  image  image

(Photos by Macka)


Woodies Talent on Show

Earlier in the year SAMS woodworking group, the Woodies, made signs for Our Lady of the Rosary School at Kenmore. These signs were displayed at the Mt Maria Craft Markets and caught the eyes of the Brind family of Draper who requested their own sign. The Woodies were happy to oblige and by all accounts the Brind family were thrilled with the results. .
The Woodies are becoming experts at this additional activity and welcome further requests for signs made to order. Suitable timber can be supplied if necessary. If you want a sign made or know someone who does just contact the Woodies. Details are on their page just --click here--


Woodies Help Out OLR Kenmore

Gentlemen from the Samford Area Men’s Shed crafted a number of items for Our Lady of the Rosary School, imageKenmore and presented them today to the school Principal, Mr Andrew Oberthur.

The items created were: 1.5 metre timber posts carved with the four mysteries of the Rosary, four collection bowls, 30 small crosses and a large 2m by 3m cross.

Mr Oberthur sees the posts as, “providing a significant visual impact as part of the new school entry from Moggill Road.” 

Graham Macklin, known as Macka, from the Men’s Shed, stated, “I have very much enjoyed the whole exercise and also speak for other men who have been involved.” 


Scout's Signs Given the SAMS Treatment

The Scouting Association is the latest in a string of local community organizations to be helped out by SAMS. The signs pictured were in need of restoration and SAMS members were only too happy to help.
Don Greenhalgh expressed his appreciation for the work done on behalf of the association.


A Desk for the Daltons

SAMS member (and aspiring Woodie :) Jeff Redmond recently completed this computer table for the Daltons who were moving from their Mt Glorious home into a Bunya unit. The Daltons were kind enough to donate the contents of their shed to SAMS some time ago so Jeff was happy to return the favour by constructing the table free of charge. Good one Jeff.


The finished product.


Woodies at SOWN

One of the first activities undertaken by the Woodies was to attend the Save Our Waterways Now expo at The Gap.

Despite the dismal weather many people attended and the SAMS display was very popular.


The Woodies manning the tent
