Samford Area Men’s Shed
have a wide range of activities, suitable for men of all ages, interests and
levels of experience.
While many of our members
are retired or semi-retired, we welcome men of all ages (especially younger
men) to come along and join in the friendship and camaraderie on offer at
Samford Area Men’s Shed.The ‘Shed’ is generally
open from 8:00am to 4:00pm - Monday to Friday.
You are most warmly
welcome to our weekly get-together (we call it a ‘Talkfest’) which is on every
Tuesday morning from 9:30am.
Want to know more? Why not
contact the Secretary: Mike Lyons by email at
So…….what are our Weekly
Monday – The photographers meet to talk
all things photographic (of course) while there is also golf on offer
for those who like to chase little white balls into little holes in a paddock.
Tuesday – Social get-together day – every Tuesday,
we gather at the Shed to meet, greet and chat over coffee, tea and bikkies.
Thereafter, we have a ‘formal’ meeting called the Talkfest where we
catch up with the latest news and developments in the Shed.
Also on this day, the woodworking
group (The Woodies) meet to do all things ’woody’ and there’s also a
walking group who stride around the streets for fitness and health.
Wednesday – This is the day that the ‘Steelies’
get together and work on all things metal. Not to be outdone, members of the
woodworking group also come to the Shed to work on their own personal projects.
Thursday – The ‘Woodies” are at it again! Never
stand between a ‘Woody’ and a bench saw or planer! Once again, they are sawing,
planning, sanding and creating all things made of wood.
Friday – The Art Group meet in the
morning to create magnificent works of art as they apply paint or pencil to
canvas and other mediums.
In the afternoon – all are
invited to come along to the social event of the week – the Friday
Fellowship. We like to get together at the Shed – just to meet,
greet and socialise. Over a cup of tea or coffee, we talk about all kinds of
stuff – not just Shed stuff.
But wait! There’s more!
Once a month – on a Wednesday evening – the Entertainment
Committee arrange for a Guest Speaker to visit the Shed and talk about
their favourite topic. Not only is this informative and entertaining, but we
get to socialise with each other over an evening meal. Members are encouraged
to invite friends and family to attend the evening as well.
Community Activities
During the year, Samford Area Men’s Shed take on projects that benefit
the local community. Such projects include making handicrafts and practical
items for local kindergartens and the local state school.
The Samford Show
Every July, Samford Area Men’s Shed makes it’s present felt at the
Samford Show. The primary aim is to show the community just what the Samford
Area Men’s Shed is all about but is also an opportunity to display and sell the
range of handicraft that the men had been working on during the year.